OUR Policies


Shine Support Coordination & Consultancy Services (Shine SCCS) recognises the valuable role that Participants, their families, carers, plan nominees and the wider community play in improving services and outcomes for an organisation.

We have a comprehensive set of policies and procedures which imbed the vision, mission and values of the organisation which act as the driving force for how we work the way we do.

Shine SCCS is a registered NDIS provider, and all policies and procedures are in line with the NDIS code of conduct, as well as various legislative and regulatory requirements including the National Standards for Disability Services.

Please refer to our suite of policies to understand more about how we imbed these into our service structure.

We believe that everyone has human and legal rights which should be respected at all times, regardless of whether you have a disability or impairment.

Our team at Shine Support Coordination & Consultancy Services (Shine SCCS) promote a person-centred approach to ensure that you are in control of decision making, setting your own goals, and have a say in how you want service delivery to pan out, including the team that will deliver services.

We ensure that all feedback and complaints are handled in a manner which is culturally appropriate, fair, courteous and respects the rights and privacy of the person offering the information.

We are committed to promoting your rights

Respect your values, beliefs and culture.

Try our best to provide information using the language, mode of communication and terms that you are most likely to understand.

Be committed to the protection of your personal information through privacy and confidentiality.

Promote and protect your rights including freedom of expression, self- determination and informed consent decision-making. We believe in supporting you to exercise your own choice and control about matters that affect you.

We believe in supporting you to exercise your own choice and control about matters that affect you. We support your right to access an advocate (including an independent advocate) of your own choice and have them present when and where you see fit.

Support the right of your dignity of risk in decision-making.


We set our pricing in line with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Pricing Arrangements.

To view the most current version, please click link below.

For more information regarding our pricing arrangements please contact the office by email
hello@shinesccs.com.au, alternatively you can contact the office on 0477 018 988.

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Shine Support Coordination & Consultancy Services

It all starts with A CONVERSATION

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