Have something you would like to share with us . . .?

Shine SCCS values the input that participants, families, carers and plan nominees have in a person’s life and it is our mission to hear your feedback.

It is important that we understand how our services support you or need to be improved in order to support you to live your life your way. Our Feedback policy outlines the importance of feedback and how we respond. For further information ask us about our Feedback Policy.


Feedback is confidential and given the attention it deserves from the Chief Executive Officer, and a panel of senior managers. We invite you to start a conversation with us (anonymously if you wish) in the way you feel comfortable from the options below:

Writing a letter to:
The Chief Executive Officer, Shine Support Coordination & Consultancy Services,
Level 1, 449 Yangebup Road COCKBURN CENTRAL  WA  6164
Send an email to

Verbally over the phone by calling us on 0477 018 988, or,
Submitting a feedback form by following this link:
Link to form coming shortly.

We aim to resolve complaints in the shortest possible time frame, but need to ensure a thorough investigation takes place where necessary and appropriate. We take your feedback very seriously and will update you of its progress. We welcome your feedback, compliment or complaint and look forward to hearing from you soon.

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It all starts with A CONVERSATION